Dallas Integrative Counseling
Counseling Biofeedback
Integrative Behavioral Healthcare
Adult - Adolescent - Pediatric
Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder, and impacts the lives of up to 50% of the population. Our therapists have extensive experience in treating insomnia and never use a "one-size-fits-all" approach to treating insomnia. We understand that insomnia looks different for everyone, and your personal concerns are our priority.
Details matter. Whether you have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or feeling rested when you wake up, your therapist will work with you to determine the most effective strategies for addressing your insomnia symptoms and sleep concerns. You and your therapist will discuss your sleep experience in detail and you will be asked to complete self-report assessments to gather additional information about your symptoms. In addition to self-reported measures, your therapist may recommend a psychophysiological assessment (PPA) in order to determine baseline measures should biofeedback training be recommended.
Biofeedback training has been clinically shown to improve sleep and condition the body to accept sleep from a physiological perspective. In fact, biofeedback has been used to treat sleep disorders since its inception in the 1960's. Dallas Integrative Counseling is home to leading, board-certified biofeedback therapists who have extensive experience in recognizing the physiological (and cognitive) barriers to sleep.
While biofeedback training can improve insomnia from a physiological perspective alone, as mental health professionals, we value the use and addition of cognitive strategies, as well.
*See our Cognitive Behavioral Therapy- Insomnia (CBT-I) page for more details about how our cognitions (thoughts) about sleep and our relationship with sleep can impact our sleep experience.
Combining CBT-I protocols with biofeedback and/or physiological self-regulation skills is what we consider the "secret sauce" in treating insomnia for ALL ages.
Our integrative approaches include techniques to teach you skills that you can learn in session and use on your own at home. Techniques include a variety of biofeedback techniques, muscle relaxation techniques, relaxation training, and cognitive restructuring. These techniques are used for both adults & children, in fact, the process can be FUN, so children can benefit just as much as their parents.
By utilizing the techniques taught to you in session, the learning process takes place and physiological and emotional change is made. With at home practice these changes will become more permanent. You'll begin to see improvement in your sleeping patterns, awake more rested, and notice an increase in attention and mood throughout the day.